Thursday, January 29, 2009


4:46 w/95lbs

I like this workout..short and sweet. Even though its short, it really takes it out of you! My legs have about had it this week!

21,15,9 DB squats, burpee w/pull up

Time: 9:50

20lbs DB Squat
24inch box jumping-pull ups

It was really hard to breathe in this workout. Those my legs were shaking after the first set. Wow! That was a tough one!

Team Workout


Time: 19:00min
Squat: 135

12 Squats
15 jumping-pull ups(lots resistance, tried not to jump much & come down slow)
25 box jumps
100 jump ropes
20 burpees

This was tough! I wish I could have done it with a partner I might have moved a bit quicker. The box jumps really got my legs after those squats.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

3,3,3- OHS,FS,BS

Over Head Squat: 65,75,95
Front Squat: 115,125,140
Back Squat: 145,175,180

Well, I worked out tonight because I took Monday off. I am really glad I did. I got to work on my kipping's for warm-up (I am so so so close). It as kinda nice that we had a small group because we got to use the ball on the squats (making sure we were getting low!). I tapped every time except the last squat of the night...just couldn't get all the way down there. I am happy though because I know I went up at lest 5 pounds on everything. I know my front squat was 135 last time. My legs are going to be sore tomorrow!!!!

The Big Bear Complex

5 rounds/7 progressions (clean,front squat, press, back squat, press)

Weight: 45,67,77,87,97 Time: 15:00-17:00(We didn't keep stopwatch)

Okay, so the clean and squats were fine. I got through the first 3 rounds pretty quick and just tapped the weight through the rounds. I slowed up a bit on the last 2 rounds. I felt completely drained by the end. The hardest part was going from press to back squat. It was hard to get my hands wide enough to bring it down since I started them closer together for the clean. As a result, my neck looks like someone beat me up...completely red and bruised. Kind of embarrassing really.

PS: I am really glad Gunter was there at the same time for workout..he really helped me push the through the heavy weight.

All in all I liked the was really different.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kool Aid

This workout sucked. My chest hurt so bad a the end of the workout. I am super glad it is over.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

deadlift/pull up....1,2,3,4,....10

165#/jumping pull-ups

Time: 11:15

This workout sucked....especially because it was a Friday. I also tore my hand up and finished it with a bloody finger! I am really happy I did finish because I was definitely hurting. Even yelled at me to finish it at the perfect time, I was on the verge of quitting!!! Anyway, hope by finger heals a bit before Monday!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Press,Push Press, Push Jerk (3)X3 each

Press: 55/60/65
Push Press: 75/85/95
Push Jerk: 105/110/115(2)/120(1)

No much to say on this one. Felt pretty good on the lifts. I am just still frustrated that I can't do a kipping pull-up!

Karen 20lbs/7:58 I pushed myself really hard on this one. I made myself get 50 before I took a break! I am very sore today but happy with my time. I am still practicing the kipping pull-up....maybe one day I will get one!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Virtual Shoveling

Time 18:23....Team Time(Michelle and I had to work on one bar together on this)
Weight : 55lbs

This was not too bad. I went really slow on the pull up to really work on getting a better pull up. Michelle and I did it the fully prescribed way so a total of 60taps, 50taps, 40taps, 30taps, 20taps, 10taps.....really happy we completed it that way. Next time we will be fully prescribed with that extra 10 pounds on the bar!!!!

Tomorrow going to suck...think I am going with Wall Balls!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


12/15/19- Push Jerk/Front Squat
800 meter run (5 laps)
9/15/21-Push Jerk/Front Squat

Time: 12:51
Weight: 45lbs

This was my 5th day working out in a row so I am glad I used pretty light weight. Next time I think I should increase the weight a little more on this workout. The running was my favorite was a nice break!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

3,3,3,3,3 Deadlifts

165,175,195,215,220(1 time).

Really happy with the lifts tonight. It really helped me mentally not to know how much I did each time. I think I would have psyched myself out if I knew what I was lifting. Also, got really close on the kipping tonight...hopefully I will get one in the next day or so.

Fight Gone Bad

221 points...this was a really intense workout. I was super sore from the Deck of Death...not sure why, everyone else seemed to be fine! I need to get in on the Zone, maybe that is why :). Anyway, the hardest exercise for me was the 65lb over head push press. Can't decide if I am going to workout tonight. I like dead lifts... well anything to work on my hamstrings!!! Dead lifts always seem to make them the most sore! :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Deck of Death

I did the "Deck of Death" in 20:15...I am hurting today!!! I really worked on using as much of arms as I could on the pull ups and I am definitely feeling it. I used the higher box on all of the box jumps except fro two sets because someone else was on it. I did at least 1/2 regular push ups in all the sets of them. I was absolutely exhausted by the end of the workout....this one was pretty intense!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

3,3,3,3,3, Squat Clean

I did the 5 sets of 3 squat clean yesterday! It was my first really workout back after the Holidays. I only worked out 3 times over the break!! Anyway, I did fairly well and felt pretty good. My form improved a lot on these. the video Even did really helped a lot!!! I was actually able to see in slow motion what I was doing wrong. Can't remember the exact weight I finished on but I was happy with it.

Looking forward to getting back in with a class tonight! I had to miss the Zone Diet seminar for an exam I had for school. Its okay though....I am too poor to follow the Zone Diet anyway!!! LOL Maybe someone who was there can fill me in on it sometime. I have been really interested in figuring out what it is all about!

See you at the facility!